Source text: Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Andelin, originally self-published in 1963. These erasures were composed upon pages of the mass-market paperback, published by Random House, 1982.

Erasure of text page with some text grayed out by pencil, a background of light orange, and a lacy white design in the bottom right. The remaining text reads, "desire is the white light passing through marble almost like lace it is grief stirred to genius For lo the stars fell weeping and the rain more than water in a sieve and O beauty we may well ask ourselves If there is a heaven holding up the birds
Erasure of text with some words grayed out by pencil and a light orange background. A red arrow indicates where the reader should start. Two images of swirling galaxies lie behind some of the words. The text reads, "O spill of bright pins upon spreading Velvet o tears of polished Steel o patient face forever washing itself O magnetic ache roiling between the stars"
Erasure of text with some words grayed out by pencil and a light orange background at the top and a black and white image of a horse in a field with a house and trees behind him. A red arrow indicates where the reader should start. The text reads, "devotion cannot comprehend itself, can in fact, only thirst. Do you feel that sublime sting? listen:"

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