Current issue | $12 |
Back issues | $9 |
All digital issues | $5 |
1-year subscription (2 issues), individual | $20 |
2-year subscription (4 issues), individual | $35 |
3-year subscription (6 issues), individual | $48 |
1-year subscription (2 issues), institutions | $30 |
2-year subscription (4 issues), institutions | $56 |
3-year subscription (6 issues), institutions | $78 |
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Single Issues
Buy our current print issue for $12 per copy and issues from our back catalog for $9 each. Browse our entire archive for more details about specific issues. Note: some issues have sold out in print form, but all are still available for purchase as e-books.
E-book copies of our entire catalog are available for $5 per copy. When purchasing digital products, you will need to provide both a physical address for billing purposes and an email address to receive your digital download code. After you purchase an e-book copy, a member of our staff will send you an email with a download code that you can redeem here.
If you’re purchasing an e-book for Issue 15.1 or earlier, we recommend reading the linked PDF format or reducing the font size of the epub version for the best poetry formatting.
Single-year subscriptions include two issues of the magazine, published once in the spring and once in the fall. Each issue includes approximately two hundred pages of fiction, literary nonfiction, poetry, and drama from a diverse range of contemporary writers, in addition to book reviews and a full-color art portfolio. Both print and digital subscriptions are available at our online store.
Please note:
Your order may be slightly delayed because we are sending out orders only once a week.
Mail-In Form
If you are unable to pay by credit card, please send check or money order (made payable to University of Cincinnati), along with subscription information and the first issue (please specify “current” or “next”) you’d like to receive as part of your subscription, to the following address:
The Cincinnati Review
P.O. Box 210069
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0069