We’re so excited to announce our nominations for this year’s Orison and Best of the Net Anthologies, as well as for the PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers!
For the Orison Anthology, we’ve nominated:
- Wendy Cheng, “The Instant You Entered the Black Hole” (essay, Issue 18.1)
- Brian Czyzyk, “August” (poem, Issue 18.1)
- Cortney Lamar Charleston, “It’s Important I Remember That Enslaved People Married Here—” (poem, Issue 18.2)
- Peter LaBerge “False Indigo” (poem, Issue 18.2)
Our Best of the Net nominations, all from our miCRo series:
- JD Debris, “[those ‘mexicans for golovkin’ shirts]“
- Cristi Donoso Best, “Caul“
- Romeo Oriogun, “Those Statues of Old“
- Allison Pitinii Davis, “The Neighborhood Girls Sabotage the Dairy Queen Order“
- Danni Quintos, “Milkfish“
- Alina Stefanescu, “Why One Cloud Is Kin to Not Liking“
- Anni Liu, “On Injury“
- JJ Peña, “boysenberry marmalade“
- Carl Lavigne, “The Walking River“
- Julia LoFaso, “Professional Makeup“
Last but not least, here’s our nomination for the PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers:
- Patch Kirschenbaum, “For Future Reference: Notes on the 7-10 Split” (Issue 18.1)
Best of luck to each of our wonderful nominees!