A lot of blood, sweat, and tears go into the copy-editing and proofreading of each issue of CR (and mustard . . . we blame associate editor Matt McBride for the mustard stain on our copy of The Chicago Manual of Style). And now that our newest issue is officially available, we want you, readers, to get in on the fun: Did we miss anything? Scour our pages and find one legitimate typo (subject to editorial review) in issue 8.2, and we’ll post the results on our blog.

Leave your comments by clicking the post title above. First five to respond get their choice of free issue, thermos, or slingpack, along with a blue Col-Erase pencil, the old-timey editor’s tool of choice. (We have to warn you: Your friends won’t like it when you return their correspondence with the comma splices corrected).

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