Results of the Blue Pencil Prize: Laura Somerville, eagle-eye extraordinaire, has won yet another azul editorial implement  to add to her collection. (She tells us she mounts them on the wall. Perhaps she’ll send a pic of her distinguished, and growing, blue-pencil display?) Thanks, Laura. You remind us that what we do—and don’t do—matters. If we screw up, people (well, you anyway) notice.

And speaking of syntactical infelicities, today’s other winner is . . . a T-shirt. But not just any T-shirt. Specifically, the Oxford-comma shirt we just had printed to transform the discriminating wearer into a walking grammar lesson. Hypercritical word nerds unite! This four-color, top-quality American Apparel anti-nakedness technology will be FREE to those who mosey over to our humble table at the AWP book fair and pony up for a three-year subscription. If you are actually naked, we might just shield our eyes and beg you to take one, because we at CR prize our innocence above all things.

NOTE: Quantities limited. Available in snug-fitting baby-blue ringer and traditional-cut cinder (or taupe, or cafe au lait, or day-old guacamole, or whatever you call the weird-yet-attractively grungy hue at left.)

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