Some weeks ago, we announced that the latest Greetings from Cincinnati Review event (Boston incarnation) was in the works. Poetry Editor Don Bogen has now hammered out the details:

WHEN: Monday, March 4, 6:30 p.m.

WHERE: Porter Square Books, Cambridge

READERS: Kathleen Aguero, Andrea Cohen, Martha Collins, Richard Hoffman, Pablo Medina, and Lloyd Schwartz

HOST: Don Bogen

Below we paste wee excerpts from poems (published in CR) by each reader.

Kathleen Aguero, “Belt”

How the strap loves the hardware,

the way its little mouth cinches the deal.
Andrea Cohen, “The Composer Must Have a Piano”

Even if its keys have been stolen.

Even if its pedals have been melted

with clarinets for munitions.

Martha Collins, “Earthscape” (with Pamela Alexander)

Two salmon on the beach, bones exposed, fat

crows, pebbles, all shining in the rain.

Richard Hoffman, “Cove”

Soft flesh in a broken

shell. Tangled rope.

Stones worn human.

Pablo Medina, “Speak Not of It to the Sober Ones”

The wine makes knowing clean. Like the white bird,

knowledge has no shadow, landing on the head

of the dead with a mouthful of blue tongue.
Lloyd Schwartz, “Cut-Up”

You said your nightmares make you afraid to sleep.

Or wake you up. You were in therapy. On heavy-duty

sleeping pills. Taking early retirement,

you bought a small condo near the prison: to make it

easier to visit. And easier to leave.

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